Linda LeBlanc And Her Giant Pumpkin, September 1984

Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 17, 1984
PEDIGREED PUMPKIN - This giant orb, weighing in at 222 pounds, is rooted in hefty tradition. Grower Linda LeBlanc of Belleville bought the seeds from a Nova Scotia grower who is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for his beefy pumpkins. LeBlanc has been growing big pumpkins to sell as 'conversation pieces' for the last three years. This one, displayed at the Ypsilanti Farmers' Market on Saturday, was priced at $50. LeBlanc will hold her own 'pumpkin factory' Oct. 1-31 at her farm at 16421 Elwell Road in Belleville. The Halloween theme will include pumpkins, cider, Halloween masks, candy and pumpkin pie.
Ann Arbor News, September 17, 1984
PEDIGREED PUMPKIN - This giant orb, weighing in at 222 pounds, is rooted in hefty tradition. Grower Linda LeBlanc of Belleville bought the seeds from a Nova Scotia grower who is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for his beefy pumpkins. LeBlanc has been growing big pumpkins to sell as 'conversation pieces' for the last three years. This one, displayed at the Ypsilanti Farmers' Market on Saturday, was priced at $50. LeBlanc will hold her own 'pumpkin factory' Oct. 1-31 at her farm at 16421 Elwell Road in Belleville. The Halloween theme will include pumpkins, cider, Halloween masks, candy and pumpkin pie.
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