New Bridge Opening Ceremonies, November 1968

Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 16, 1968
New Bridge Opened In Ceremonies: Mrs. Guy C. Larcom Jr., wife of the city administrator, gets an assist from Mayor Wendell Hulcher in opening the new Huron Parkway bridge in ceremonies held yesterday. They cut a yellow and blue ribbon at the bridge's south side to permit two busloads of dignitaries to cross the new structure. Looking on at left are R. A. Little (black coat) of Commonwealth Associates, Inc., consulting engineers who designed the bridge, and Walter Toebe, head of the contracting firm which built it. A group of approximately 30 people watched the proceedings, in spite of cold and blustery weather.
Ann Arbor News, November 16, 1968
New Bridge Opened In Ceremonies: Mrs. Guy C. Larcom Jr., wife of the city administrator, gets an assist from Mayor Wendell Hulcher in opening the new Huron Parkway bridge in ceremonies held yesterday. They cut a yellow and blue ribbon at the bridge's south side to permit two busloads of dignitaries to cross the new structure. Looking on at left are R. A. Little (black coat) of Commonwealth Associates, Inc., consulting engineers who designed the bridge, and Walter Toebe, head of the contracting firm which built it. A group of approximately 30 people watched the proceedings, in spite of cold and blustery weather.
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