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The Wilhelmi Children Watch Their Parents, Kay & Vince, Play Cribbage, February 1969

The Wilhelmi Children Watch Their Parents, Kay & Vince, Play Cribbage, February 1969 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 24, 1969
When pairings are made for tonight's quarterfinal competition in the Ann Arbor Recreation Department's Cribbage Tournament, Mr. and Mrs. Vince Wilhelmi could find themselves involved in a struggle to determine who wears the pants in the family - at least around a cribbage board. Glenn Schleicher, tournament director, says they're the first husband and wife team to make the quarterfinals in the history of the tournament. Watching the Wilhelmis tune up are their children (left to right), Joe, Mike, Walter and Leah. The family lives at 2578 Carmel.

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