West Side United Methodist Church Youth Fellowship Members Wash The Bus Of The First Methodist Church, April 1969
Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 19, 1969
Members of the Junior and Senior High United Methodist Youth Fellowship groups of the West Side United Methodist Church use a Saturday afternoon to wash the bus of the First Methodist Church as a gesture of thanks to the First Church for letting the group bring the bus to the West Side Church to show adult members of the congregation "what a bus looks like." The West Side youth currently are trying to raise enough trading stamps and funds to purchase a bus of their own.
Ann Arbor News, April 19, 1969
Members of the Junior and Senior High United Methodist Youth Fellowship groups of the West Side United Methodist Church use a Saturday afternoon to wash the bus of the First Methodist Church as a gesture of thanks to the First Church for letting the group bring the bus to the West Side Church to show adult members of the congregation "what a bus looks like." The West Side youth currently are trying to raise enough trading stamps and funds to purchase a bus of their own.
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