Mrs. Robert J. Harris Serves Ice Cream To Children Who Helped With Her Husband's Mayoral Campaign, April 1969
Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 30, 1969
The home of Mayor and Mrs. Robert J. Harris returned to normal today following a party yesterday afternoon for young "party workers" and "innumerable neighborhood kids." Mrs. Harris is shown reaching into a box with a dwindling supply of cups used for ice cream sodas. She said there were 50 to 75 children at the party, given as a reward for their aid during the recent mayoral campaign. Their jobs during the campaign included stuffing envelopes and hanging messages on doors. Obviously, the children enjoy licking ice cream more than licking envelopes, however. (Ann Arbor News Photo By Cecil Lockard)
Ann Arbor News, April 30, 1969
The home of Mayor and Mrs. Robert J. Harris returned to normal today following a party yesterday afternoon for young "party workers" and "innumerable neighborhood kids." Mrs. Harris is shown reaching into a box with a dwindling supply of cups used for ice cream sodas. She said there were 50 to 75 children at the party, given as a reward for their aid during the recent mayoral campaign. Their jobs during the campaign included stuffing envelopes and hanging messages on doors. Obviously, the children enjoy licking ice cream more than licking envelopes, however. (Ann Arbor News Photo By Cecil Lockard)
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