Peace Picnic at the Arboretum, July 1969

Published In
Ann Arbor News, July 7, 1969
Sunday Afternoon At Arboretum About 300 persons spent a quiet afternoon at a "peace picnic" yesterday at the University's Arboretum, talking and singing. While officers patrol the area (top picture), groups of young people lounge on the grass. One group second picture) stages a brief White Panther rally while a father (third picture) warms his youngster with a jacket. Groups of singers and guitarist, (bottom picture) were scattered through the area. (News photos by Cecil Lockard)
Ann Arbor News, July 7, 1969
Sunday Afternoon At Arboretum About 300 persons spent a quiet afternoon at a "peace picnic" yesterday at the University's Arboretum, talking and singing. While officers patrol the area (top picture), groups of young people lounge on the grass. One group second picture) stages a brief White Panther rally while a father (third picture) warms his youngster with a jacket. Groups of singers and guitarist, (bottom picture) were scattered through the area. (News photos by Cecil Lockard)
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