Students Disrupt Regents Meeting, September 1969
Ann Arbor News, September 20, 1969
Bookstore Protest Carried To Regents Meeting: This was the scene in the University Regents Room shortly after 2 p.m. yesterday, when several hundred U-M students entered to voice dissatisfaction with a campus bookstore plan approved moments earlier. Regents were forced to move to a larger room in the Michigan Union. Regent Otis M. Smith, standing beside the table at left, bantered with students, telling them "I'm an old radical." Later, he voiced anger. President Robben W. Fleming is seated at the table's far end. Regents seated at the right, from front to far end, are Robert E. Nederlander, Robert J. Brown, Lawrence J. Lindemer, and Paul G. Goebel. Fifth from left among students standing on the ledge behind Fleming is graduate student Peter H. Denton, who asserted, "We're the business of this board." Lindemer replied, "Shut up." (Story on Page 22)
Demonstrations & Protests
University of Michigan - Board of Regents
University of Michigan - Students
Fleming Administration Building
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Robben W. Fleming
Robert E. Nederlander
Robert J. Brown
Lawrence J. Lindemer
Paul G. Goebel
Otis M. Smith
Peter H. Denton
Jack Stubbs
503 Thompson St