Cleda Darling Handles Overdue Parking Tickets In The Municipal Court Office, May 1958

Published In
Ann Arbor News, June 3, 1958
IT'S OVERDUE: Mrs. Cleda Darling here places a notice of delinquency in an envelope being sent to a motorist who has failed to pay a parking ticket in the allotted 72 hours. When the three-day grace period expires a $1 penalty is added to all parking violations.
Ann Arbor News, June 3, 1958
IT'S OVERDUE: Mrs. Cleda Darling here places a notice of delinquency in an envelope being sent to a motorist who has failed to pay a parking ticket in the allotted 72 hours. When the three-day grace period expires a $1 penalty is added to all parking violations.
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