Sophie Carras, Municipal Court Office Cashier, Accepts Parking Violation Payment - May 1958

Published In
Ann Arbor News, June 3, 1958
THE PARKING FINE: Miss Sophie Carras, chief cashier in the Municipal Court office, prepares to accept a $2 payment for an overdue parking violation. An ordinary parking ticket costs a motorist $1, but if it goes unpaid for more than 72 hours a $1 penalty is added to the fine.
Ann Arbor News, June 3, 1958
THE PARKING FINE: Miss Sophie Carras, chief cashier in the Municipal Court office, prepares to accept a $2 payment for an overdue parking violation. An ordinary parking ticket costs a motorist $1, but if it goes unpaid for more than 72 hours a $1 penalty is added to the fine.
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