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Ann Arbor Police Officers Check Seized Guns and Narcotics, March 1967

Ann Arbor Police Officers Check Seized Guns and Narcotics, March 1967 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 25, 1967
Confiscated narcotics, Guns Checked: These four Ann Arbor police officers played key roles in the apprehension of three robbery suspects and the recovery of pharmaceutical narcotics estimated to be worth $6,000. Sgt. Robert C. Conn, seated, wounded one of the suspects with the gun held by Patrolman Lloyd O. Stearns, right, who stopped the car in which the trio was riding. Patrolman Harold Tinsey, left, and Byrl Racine, holding bottles of capsules found in the car, took shots at the fleeing suspect. Sgt. Conn holds an automatic pistol, one of two guns taken from the men.

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