Pittsfield Red Cross Extension Course at Old Maternity Hospital, May 1951

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 30, 1951
FIRST IN FIRST AID: to the Pittsfield Extension Club belongs the honor of being the first of the farm women's home economics groups to organize a Red Cross first aid study class. Shown above, learning the first lesson at the old maternity hospital building on the campus are, left to right, Mrs. Floyd J. Allen, chairman, of 2960 Saline Rd., Mrs. Carl Ernst, vice-chairman, of 2314 Packard Rd., and the instructor, Mrs. J. M. Manthei, R.N., of 1730 Dexter Ave.
Ann Arbor News, May 30, 1951
FIRST IN FIRST AID: to the Pittsfield Extension Club belongs the honor of being the first of the farm women's home economics groups to organize a Red Cross first aid study class. Shown above, learning the first lesson at the old maternity hospital building on the campus are, left to right, Mrs. Floyd J. Allen, chairman, of 2960 Saline Rd., Mrs. Carl Ernst, vice-chairman, of 2314 Packard Rd., and the instructor, Mrs. J. M. Manthei, R.N., of 1730 Dexter Ave.
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