Aerial Photograph of Subdivisions on Ann Arbor's Northwest Side, July 1954

Published In
Ann Arbor News, July 3, 1956
Development of subdivisions in Ann Arbor didn't start on an all-out basis until about 1950. Their astounding growth since then is partially seen on the city's northwest side in these aerials. At the top are three subdivisions, all north of Miller Ave., which cuts across photo at lower left. Northwood subdivision (right center) contains about 54 homes. The woods, extending in a rough line bordering Northwood, shield Newport Rd. from view. On the far side of Newport are seen two more projects. Westridge subdivision (upper left) now has more than a dozen homes, and at the extreme top center is another project, Westport Hills. Recently started, Westport now has about five homes up and several basements excavated. When completed Westridge will have 33 homes and Westport Hills, 70. They both abut the west side of Newport Rd.
Ann Arbor News, July 3, 1956
Development of subdivisions in Ann Arbor didn't start on an all-out basis until about 1950. Their astounding growth since then is partially seen on the city's northwest side in these aerials. At the top are three subdivisions, all north of Miller Ave., which cuts across photo at lower left. Northwood subdivision (right center) contains about 54 homes. The woods, extending in a rough line bordering Northwood, shield Newport Rd. from view. On the far side of Newport are seen two more projects. Westridge subdivision (upper left) now has more than a dozen homes, and at the extreme top center is another project, Westport Hills. Recently started, Westport now has about five homes up and several basements excavated. When completed Westridge will have 33 homes and Westport Hills, 70. They both abut the west side of Newport Rd.
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