Clark Children With Peter Rabbit, April 1957
Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 20, 1957
RABBIT ROMP: Three years ago little Ann Clark (far right), now 4, received a bunny on her first Easter. Today she and her brother, Gary, 3, and sister Lynn, 2 1/2, have fun being led by the grown-up rabbit on a leash. They're the children of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Clark of 1909 Crestland Dr. The rabbit, more or less naturally, is named "Peter."
Ann Arbor News, April 20, 1957
RABBIT ROMP: Three years ago little Ann Clark (far right), now 4, received a bunny on her first Easter. Today she and her brother, Gary, 3, and sister Lynn, 2 1/2, have fun being led by the grown-up rabbit on a leash. They're the children of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Clark of 1909 Crestland Dr. The rabbit, more or less naturally, is named "Peter."
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