Jennie Johnstone and Blown Glass Object, October 1952

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 1, 1952
Very Nice, But What Is It? Probably the only object of its type in Ann Arbor, this blown glass decoration piece was brought here from England by Mrs. Jennie Johnstone of 904 Oakland Ave. The intricate glass design, mounted under a sealed bell jar, is thought to be at least 150 years old. No one, including Mrs. Johnstone, is quite sure what to call the conversation piece.
Ann Arbor News, October 1, 1952
Very Nice, But What Is It? Probably the only object of its type in Ann Arbor, this blown glass decoration piece was brought here from England by Mrs. Jennie Johnstone of 904 Oakland Ave. The intricate glass design, mounted under a sealed bell jar, is thought to be at least 150 years old. No one, including Mrs. Johnstone, is quite sure what to call the conversation piece.
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