Kaiser-Frazer Corp.'s reconversion of Willow Run Bomber Plant, February 1946
Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 27, 1946
LOADING DOCKS: In war days bombers wheeled off the lines and out the huge doors in the background to take off under their own power at the Willow Run airport. Now automobiles will drive up the ramp and onto the 700-foot long concrete docks shown above. Space is left for two rail spurs that will be the principal outlet for new cars.
Ann Arbor News, February 27, 1946
LOADING DOCKS: In war days bombers wheeled off the lines and out the huge doors in the background to take off under their own power at the Willow Run airport. Now automobiles will drive up the ramp and onto the 700-foot long concrete docks shown above. Space is left for two rail spurs that will be the principal outlet for new cars.
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