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Anne Pellegreno at Willow Run Airport Ready To Begin Amelia Earhart Commemorative Flight, June 1967

Anne Pellegreno at Willow Run Airport Ready To Begin Amelia Earhart Commemorative Flight, June 1967 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, June 7, 1967
Leaves To Fly Around The World - Mrs. Ann H. Pellegreno, the 30-year-old pilot of the Amelia Earhart Commemorative Flight, pauses for a final chat with her husband, Don, also a pilot, before boarding her 1937-vintage craft to trace and complete Miss Earhart's attempted 27,000-mile trip around the world. The plane left Willow Run Airport early today and is expected to arrive in San Francisco, Calif., late tonight. A stop is planned at Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Rights Held By
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