Arborland Shopping Center, Exterior, August 1965

Published In
Ann Arbor News, August 11, 1965
FIRST TO ARBORLAND...THEN Back to School. Now's the time to plan a shopping trip! Visit the Little Red School House on the Mall. At Arborland you'll find a tremendous selection for school wardrobes, school supplies and whatever you'll need for opening day. It's a wonderful collection for all back-to-schoolers, from the little folks to the teens. All Stores Are Air-Conditioned. There's Plenty of FREE PARKING. OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9. ARBORLAND Washtenaw Ave. at Intersection of US-23
Ann Arbor News, August 11, 1965
FIRST TO ARBORLAND...THEN Back to School. Now's the time to plan a shopping trip! Visit the Little Red School House on the Mall. At Arborland you'll find a tremendous selection for school wardrobes, school supplies and whatever you'll need for opening day. It's a wonderful collection for all back-to-schoolers, from the little folks to the teens. All Stores Are Air-Conditioned. There's Plenty of FREE PARKING. OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9. ARBORLAND Washtenaw Ave. at Intersection of US-23
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