Mrs. Lauris Eek, Mrs. Orrin L. Inbody, and Mrs. Phillip S. Jones preparing for World Community Day at the First Baptist Church, October 1963

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 24, 1963
Promoting World Friendship: Mrs. Lauris Eek (left), general chairman of the local observance of World Community Day set by the United Church Women for Nov 1, received layettes and friendship packets, such as those which will be collected at the observance from Mrs. Orrin L. Inbody (center) and Mrs. Phillip S. Jones (right). Mrs. Jones is holding flags of some of the United Nations countries to which many of the packets will be sent. The First Baptist Church is the meeting site.
Ann Arbor News, October 24, 1963
Promoting World Friendship: Mrs. Lauris Eek (left), general chairman of the local observance of World Community Day set by the United Church Women for Nov 1, received layettes and friendship packets, such as those which will be collected at the observance from Mrs. Orrin L. Inbody (center) and Mrs. Phillip S. Jones (right). Mrs. Jones is holding flags of some of the United Nations countries to which many of the packets will be sent. The First Baptist Church is the meeting site.
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