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Senior Group of St. Paul's Lutheran Church Ladies Aid Society, October 1953

Senior Group of St. Paul's Lutheran Church Ladies Aid Society, October 1953 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 13, 1953
Birthday Celebration: The senior group of the Ladies Aid Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Church was honored yesterday at a joint birthday celebration. Their ages range from 72 to 85. Left to right (seated) they are: Mrs. John Zill, Mrs. Kate Donner, Mrs. Julia Landwehr, Mrs. Mary Prochnow, Mrs. Lydia Haab and Mrs. Louise Scheidweiler; and (standing): Mrs. Albertina Hein, Mrs. Herman Cannehl, Mrs. Rose Barth, Mrs. Albert Horning, Mrs. Emma Armbruster, Mrs. Rosa Lueck and Mrs. Lydia Wurster.

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