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Mrs. Emma Milcer and Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Morford with Tape Recorder of Seventh Day Adventist Sermons, January 1958

Mrs. Emma Milcer and Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Morford with Tape Recorder of Seventh Day Adventist Sermons, January 1958 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, January 24, 1958
Sermons for Shut-Ins: Although she can't attend church, Mrs. Emma Milcer (left) now can hear sermons by her pastor, the Rev. Kenneth Strand. His sermons in the Seventh Day Adventist Church are being recorded on tape by the Missionary volunteers, church youth group planning to extend the tape-recorder service to all shut-in members of the church. Volunteer leader Monroe Morford, accompanied by Mrs. Morford, operates the recorder for Mrs. Milcer at her home. The group plans to visit all shut-ins weekly.

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Donated by the Ann Arbor News. © The Ann Arbor News.