Art Auction at First Unitarian Church, February 1964

Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 7, 1964
To Be Auctioned: Here are some of the items contributed by members of First Unitarian Church, including leading Ann Arbor artists, that will be auctioned at 8:30 p.m. today at the church. Proceeds will be used to send an Ypsilanti High School senior to France next summer as part of the Youth for Understanding Teen-Age Exchange Program sponsored by the Michigan and Ann Arbor-Washtenaw Council of Churches. The auction and a potluck dinner at 7 p.m. are projects of the church's social action committee. The event is open to the public. For further information call NO 5-6165.
Ann Arbor News, February 7, 1964
To Be Auctioned: Here are some of the items contributed by members of First Unitarian Church, including leading Ann Arbor artists, that will be auctioned at 8:30 p.m. today at the church. Proceeds will be used to send an Ypsilanti High School senior to France next summer as part of the Youth for Understanding Teen-Age Exchange Program sponsored by the Michigan and Ann Arbor-Washtenaw Council of Churches. The auction and a potluck dinner at 7 p.m. are projects of the church's social action committee. The event is open to the public. For further information call NO 5-6165.
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