Zion Lutheran Church Women Decorate for World Community Day Breakfast, November 1964

Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 2, 1964
Select Community Day Theme Focus of the World Community Day breakfast Friday will be "The Women's Touch." Decorating Zion Lutheran Church for the event are (from left) Mrs. E. J. Royce, Mrs. Armand Hewett and Mrs. Ernest Nicolaides. Mrs. Kenneth Boulding will be guest speaker. Mrs. Ralph Lenz is chairman of the affair.
Ann Arbor News, November 2, 1964
Select Community Day Theme Focus of the World Community Day breakfast Friday will be "The Women's Touch." Decorating Zion Lutheran Church for the event are (from left) Mrs. E. J. Royce, Mrs. Armand Hewett and Mrs. Ernest Nicolaides. Mrs. Kenneth Boulding will be guest speaker. Mrs. Ralph Lenz is chairman of the affair.
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