St. Andrew's Episcopal Church to Host La Leche League Show, May 1967
Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 19, 1967
La Leche League Plans Show - Maternity and nursing dresses, as well as baby carriers, will be featured at the fashion show being sponsored by the La Leche League at 8 p.m. Wednesday at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Models will include Mrs. Henry Fulton and her son, Matthew (left), and Mrs. Daniel Cook and her son, Mike. Mrs. Ronald Conkey is chairman.
Ann Arbor News, May 19, 1967
La Leche League Plans Show - Maternity and nursing dresses, as well as baby carriers, will be featured at the fashion show being sponsored by the La Leche League at 8 p.m. Wednesday at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Models will include Mrs. Henry Fulton and her son, Matthew (left), and Mrs. Daniel Cook and her son, Mike. Mrs. Ronald Conkey is chairman.
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