Thanksgiving Dinner Table, November 1940

Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 20, 1940
YOUNG AMERICA HELPS TO SHOW THANKSGIVING TRADITION: Thanksgiving, more than any other holiday it seems, brings together the family traditionally in preparing for the day as well as in its festivity. This was impressed upon the University students from other countries who attended the lecture demonstration given by Mrs. Dean W. Myers last night in a series of talks on American customs sponsored by the International Center. Beside the Thanksgiving dinner table show above, set up in the Michigan League for the group, Martha Peet (at the left), daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Max M. Peet of Hill St., was telling about the table decoration shown, which she had made of fruits and vegetables. Estafania J. Aldaba of Malolos, Bulacan, P. I., and Thelma G. Brown of Jellico, Tenn. (at the right), who were chatting with her, are graduate students in the University who are attending the lecture series.
Ann Arbor News, November 20, 1940
YOUNG AMERICA HELPS TO SHOW THANKSGIVING TRADITION: Thanksgiving, more than any other holiday it seems, brings together the family traditionally in preparing for the day as well as in its festivity. This was impressed upon the University students from other countries who attended the lecture demonstration given by Mrs. Dean W. Myers last night in a series of talks on American customs sponsored by the International Center. Beside the Thanksgiving dinner table show above, set up in the Michigan League for the group, Martha Peet (at the left), daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Max M. Peet of Hill St., was telling about the table decoration shown, which she had made of fruits and vegetables. Estafania J. Aldaba of Malolos, Bulacan, P. I., and Thelma G. Brown of Jellico, Tenn. (at the right), who were chatting with her, are graduate students in the University who are attending the lecture series.
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