Raymond Family Prepares Traditional Korean Meal, May 1966

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 31, 1966
Traditional Meal Beneath Apple Blossoms: In Korea, it is a tradition to serve a dinner beneath blossoming fruit trees. Following that custom on their backyard picnic table are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raymond of 611 Sunset with their daughters, Natasha (from left) and Nyra. There is an old Korean saying that a meal for a guest should include something from the sea, from the mountains and from the field. Mrs. Raymond serves short ribs, a fish dish and asparagus.
Ann Arbor News, May 31, 1966
Traditional Meal Beneath Apple Blossoms: In Korea, it is a tradition to serve a dinner beneath blossoming fruit trees. Following that custom on their backyard picnic table are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raymond of 611 Sunset with their daughters, Natasha (from left) and Nyra. There is an old Korean saying that a meal for a guest should include something from the sea, from the mountains and from the field. Mrs. Raymond serves short ribs, a fish dish and asparagus.
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