Virginia & Linda May Huber, March 1940
Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 22, 1940
Baptizing on the eve of Easter is an ancient custom and here is Linda May Huber, month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jule F. Huber, 918 Hutchins Ave., photographed with her mother, and ready for her baptism tomorrow afternoon in St. Andrew's church. Linda May represents the fifth generation on her mother's side of the family in St. Andrew's parish. The first of the five generations was represented by her great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Tracy W. Root, one of the city's pioneers. Linda May posed in the hand-made dress trimmed with hand-made lace which she will wear tomorrow. Made by Mrs. Huber's mother, Mrs. T. J. Rice of Plymouth, it also was worn by Mrs. Huber when she was baptized.
Ann Arbor News, March 22, 1940
Baptizing on the eve of Easter is an ancient custom and here is Linda May Huber, month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jule F. Huber, 918 Hutchins Ave., photographed with her mother, and ready for her baptism tomorrow afternoon in St. Andrew's church. Linda May represents the fifth generation on her mother's side of the family in St. Andrew's parish. The first of the five generations was represented by her great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Tracy W. Root, one of the city's pioneers. Linda May posed in the hand-made dress trimmed with hand-made lace which she will wear tomorrow. Made by Mrs. Huber's mother, Mrs. T. J. Rice of Plymouth, it also was worn by Mrs. Huber when she was baptized.
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