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Jane G. Newton models a hat for Barton Hills Country Club millinery show, "Autumn Finale," September 1959

Jane G. Newton models a hat for Barton Hills Country Club millinery show, "Autumn Finale," September 1959 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 30, 1959
MILLINERY SHOW TOMORROW: Included in the Barton Hills County Club hat show, "Autumn Finale" set for 12:30 p.m. tomorrow in the club, will be the above chapeaux. Mrs. Charles Newton (left) wears a green velvet creation trimmed with feathers while Mrs. Richard Graham (center) wears a feathered cocktail hat in a shocking pink. Mrs. Douglas Gregory chose a green derby with a feathered crown. Other hats from Jacobson's French collection will be seen in softly tailored and dressy Lanvin, Bahman and Svend designs. Also modeled by the above women will be a collection of holiday hats, many with fur trim. Mrs. Vincent VandeMotter, general chairman, announced that reservations for the bridge luncheon will be received today at the club. She is being assisted on arrangements by Mrs. Edmund Botch and Mrs. Normal Ellis. Commentator for the millinery show will be John Walsch.

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