Children model new spring fashions, March 1969

Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 16, 1969
The fashion look for Spring '69 is a free-wheeling look of individuality. Ann Arbor style-setters will go everywhere and anywhere in pants, but at all times the pants will be soft and feminine. The Spring scene shows the look of separates -- a put-yourself-together look that stems from the influence of today's young people. For more insight into the spring fashion picture, flip through the following pages.
Ann Arbor News, March 16, 1969
The fashion look for Spring '69 is a free-wheeling look of individuality. Ann Arbor style-setters will go everywhere and anywhere in pants, but at all times the pants will be soft and feminine. The Spring scene shows the look of separates -- a put-yourself-together look that stems from the influence of today's young people. For more insight into the spring fashion picture, flip through the following pages.
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