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Pam Cook and Russ Whiteford model back-to-school fashions, September 1969

Pam Cook and Russ Whiteford model back-to-school fashions, September 1969 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 7, 1969
Leather Comes To Campus: The leather look, very important this fall, is a natural for the campus. Pam Cook, a senior at Pioneer High School. gets a guided tour of fraternity row from Russ Whiteford, a junior at Eastern Michigan University. She is wearing a double-breasted corduroy jumper over a wool "skinny look" sweater. The Swedish soft leather coat she is carrying is also double-breasted and belted. Russ accents his leather jacket with a brown and aqua silk neck scarf. Pam is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Cook of Fernwood Street. Russ' parents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Whiteford of Pauline Boulevard. For men, the leather look is competing with fashionable coats of fur.

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