Mrs. Morismasa Yoshioka teaching Mrs. Sidney Quigley Japanese Flower Arrangement, March 1960

Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 25, 1960
Teacher and Pupil: Mrs. Morimasa Yoshioka is teaching an informal class in Japanese flower arranging. Mrs. Sidney Quigley (right), one of the pupils, learned that the above arrangement costs only $1.30, and with experience can be made in less than 30 minutes. Mrs. Yoshioka studied the art at a school in Japan.
Ann Arbor News, March 25, 1960
Teacher and Pupil: Mrs. Morimasa Yoshioka is teaching an informal class in Japanese flower arranging. Mrs. Sidney Quigley (right), one of the pupils, learned that the above arrangement costs only $1.30, and with experience can be made in less than 30 minutes. Mrs. Yoshioka studied the art at a school in Japan.
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