Mrs. Ryo Tasaki Makes Japanese Flower Arrangement, May 1962

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 16, 1962
Tea Flowers: Mrs. Ryo Tasaki makes a flower arrangement for the Japanese "Greenback" Tea which will be given by local members and sponsors of the International Christian University of Tokyo, Japan, next Thursday at the Lutheran Student Center. During the tea, wives of Japanese students attending the University will present a Japanese Tea Ceremony. Japanese objets d'art will also be exhibited.
Ann Arbor News, May 16, 1962
Tea Flowers: Mrs. Ryo Tasaki makes a flower arrangement for the Japanese "Greenback" Tea which will be given by local members and sponsors of the International Christian University of Tokyo, Japan, next Thursday at the Lutheran Student Center. During the tea, wives of Japanese students attending the University will present a Japanese Tea Ceremony. Japanese objets d'art will also be exhibited.
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