Jack Bailey Preparing For Junior Garden Festival, July 1952
Published In
Ann Arbor News, July 16, 1952
Prepares for Festival: Jack Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Bailey, 1504 Long Shore Dr., keeps busy this summer, preparing his own vegetables for an exhibit in the Junior Garden Festival in the fall. Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Garden Club, the festival is scheduled Sept. 20 and will probably be held in a public school. Youngsters may display flowers and vegetables, house plants and exhibits featuring conservation and other similar work in the festival. Mrs. Kelly Goss of 2810 Plymouth Rd. is chairman of the event.
Ann Arbor News, July 16, 1952
Prepares for Festival: Jack Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Bailey, 1504 Long Shore Dr., keeps busy this summer, preparing his own vegetables for an exhibit in the Junior Garden Festival in the fall. Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Garden Club, the festival is scheduled Sept. 20 and will probably be held in a public school. Youngsters may display flowers and vegetables, house plants and exhibits featuring conservation and other similar work in the festival. Mrs. Kelly Goss of 2810 Plymouth Rd. is chairman of the event.
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