The Byrd Greenhouse, May 1970
Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 3, 1970
A Family Project Mrs. David Byrd checks one of the plants in a greenhouse at her home. This is one of the many interests she shares with her husband, who is a member of the county Board of Commissioners. Mrs. Byrd also spends much of her time working and counseling young people, an interest she developed as a teacher at Forsythe Junior High School.
Ann Arbor News, May 3, 1970
A Family Project Mrs. David Byrd checks one of the plants in a greenhouse at her home. This is one of the many interests she shares with her husband, who is a member of the county Board of Commissioners. Mrs. Byrd also spends much of her time working and counseling young people, an interest she developed as a teacher at Forsythe Junior High School.
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