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Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Coller's Screened Porch - 2105 Wallingford Rd, July 1949

Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Coller's Screened Porch - 2105 Wallingford Rd, July 1949 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, July 30, 1949
More and more local people are finding that a summer living room is a life-saver during the sizzling says of July and August. A screened porch, such as that in the top picture shown here, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Coller of 2105 Wallingford Rd. is useful from early June through October. Decorated in shades of chartreuse and pink, the outdoor living room has nests of glass topped tables for informal meals. Note the free-form rug.

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