Bathroom - 1411 Las Vegas Drive, November 1957

Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 9, 1957
PLANTER INCLUDED: Double basins in a pink-tiled counter expanse and backdrop include a planter, adding to the decor of the bathroom scene. Similar pink-colored tile is on the floor and wall (left), where a glassed-in and recessed cabinet provides storage space. The upper wall of wallpaper features a decorative scene of fish.
Ann Arbor News, November 9, 1957
PLANTER INCLUDED: Double basins in a pink-tiled counter expanse and backdrop include a planter, adding to the decor of the bathroom scene. Similar pink-colored tile is on the floor and wall (left), where a glassed-in and recessed cabinet provides storage space. The upper wall of wallpaper features a decorative scene of fish.
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