Exterior - 1411 Las Vegas Drive, November 1957

Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 9, 1957
FOR COUPLE AFTER OFFSPRING MARRIED: The Oscar F. Laubengayers of 1411 Las Vegas Dr. purchased this five-room ranch style after their daughters married. Mrs. Laubengayer said she and her husband didn't need the space in the eight-room, 2 1/2 story they owned. The brick exterior, aluminum window frames and marble sills and other extras add up to light housekeeping for Mr. Laubengayer and easy maintenance.
Ann Arbor News, November 9, 1957
FOR COUPLE AFTER OFFSPRING MARRIED: The Oscar F. Laubengayers of 1411 Las Vegas Dr. purchased this five-room ranch style after their daughters married. Mrs. Laubengayer said she and her husband didn't need the space in the eight-room, 2 1/2 story they owned. The brick exterior, aluminum window frames and marble sills and other extras add up to light housekeeping for Mr. Laubengayer and easy maintenance.
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