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Cars Lined Up At Ferry Dock During Blizzard In Mackinaw City, November 1940

Cars Lined Up At Ferry Dock During Blizzard In Mackinaw City, November 1940 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 13, 1940
BLIZZARD, COLD WEATHER, LACK OF FERRY SERVICE HANDICAP HUNTERS: Deer hunters from all over lower Michigan, bound for the upper peninsula for the opening of the hunting season Friday, ran into many difficulties as they reached Mackinaw City. The storm which swept the north caused suspension of ferry service for many hours and more than 500 cars were stranded in Mackinaw City as the blizzard raged. Here are a few of the cars with their owners obviously showing the difficulties which beset them. This picture was taken yesterday afternoon as the cars were lined up waiting at the ferry dock.

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