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Building the "ONCE AGAIN" 1965 Festival set, September 1965

Building the "ONCE AGAIN" 1965 Festival set, September 1965 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 16, 1965
Dramatizing Music Atop City Carport Ann Arbor architects Harold Borkin and Joseph Wehrer have designed a many-splendored sham atop the Maynard Street Parking Structure to backstop the three experimental concerts of the ONCE AGAIN 1965 Festival this weekend. Shown working on the complex structure are Dramatic Arts Center members (left to right, top) Gordon Mumma and Borkin, (center) Milton Cohen and George Cravashay, (bottom) Wehrer and Ann Wehrer, and (on stairs) Larry Leitch. The series of panels, stages, and levels will be articulated in dozens of combinations to accommodate mosaic projections of light and motion pictures, scenic effects and performers. The three ONCE AGAIN concerts, sponsored by the DAC, are to be presented at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. Admission is $1.50, or $4 for the series.

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