New Officers Of Washtenaw Federation Of Women's Clubs, October 1940

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 11, 1940
NEW OFFICERS OF COUNTY FEDERATION: Mrs. Julio del Toro (left), the retiring president of the Washtenaw Federation of Women's Clubs, posed with some of the new officers after their election yesterday at a meeting of the Michigan League. Left to right are: Mrs. del Toro, Mrs. Max Fosdick of Saline, treasurer; Mrs. Harry L. Smith of Ypsilanti, president; and Mrs. William C. Hoad of Melrose Ave., second vice president.
Ann Arbor News, October 11, 1940
NEW OFFICERS OF COUNTY FEDERATION: Mrs. Julio del Toro (left), the retiring president of the Washtenaw Federation of Women's Clubs, posed with some of the new officers after their election yesterday at a meeting of the Michigan League. Left to right are: Mrs. del Toro, Mrs. Max Fosdick of Saline, treasurer; Mrs. Harry L. Smith of Ypsilanti, president; and Mrs. William C. Hoad of Melrose Ave., second vice president.
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