Boy Scouts Stuff Envelopes For League Of Women Voters Finance Drive, March 1973

Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 7, 1973
If you received a chocolate-smudged letter in connection with the annual finance drive of the Ann Arbor League of Women Voters, think nothing of it. It was just that a little pleasure probably mixed in with business as Boy Scouts of Troop 30, Dixboro, munched brownies as they helped address and stuff envelopes for the drive. Some of the boys who participated are shown above.
Ann Arbor News, March 7, 1973
If you received a chocolate-smudged letter in connection with the annual finance drive of the Ann Arbor League of Women Voters, think nothing of it. It was just that a little pleasure probably mixed in with business as Boy Scouts of Troop 30, Dixboro, munched brownies as they helped address and stuff envelopes for the drive. Some of the boys who participated are shown above.
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