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Swimmers Play Catch At The Chippewa Hills Swimming Club, July 1962

Swimmers Play Catch At The Chippewa Hills Swimming Club, July 1962 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, July 30, 1962
WATER PLAY: Enjoying a rather damp game of ball are (left to right) Lorie Otis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin J. Otis, jr., of Ellis Rd., Ypsilanti; Jackie Roesch, daughter of the Milton D. Roesches of Linden Ct., Ypsilanti; and Anita Ferrer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicomedes Ferrer of W. Normal St., Ypsilanti. The girls' parents are members of the Chippewa Hills Swimming and Tennis Club, and they have made great use of the club's pool during the summer.

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