Barbara Lou Sevebeck & Mary Cook, Brownies From Mack School, Become Girl Scouts, April 1948

Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 30, 1948
Representative of the 21 Brownies who became Girl Scouts in "flying-up" ceremonies conducted last night by Troop No. 37 at Mack School, Barbara Lou Sevebeck, 9, left, and Mary Cook, also 9, receive scout badges from Mrs. Nelson Rathburn, troop-leader. To make the jump from Brownie to Girl Scout, a girl must pass certain home-making and out-of-door tests, learn Girl Scouting lore, and be at least in the fourth grade of school.
Ann Arbor News, April 30, 1948
Representative of the 21 Brownies who became Girl Scouts in "flying-up" ceremonies conducted last night by Troop No. 37 at Mack School, Barbara Lou Sevebeck, 9, left, and Mary Cook, also 9, receive scout badges from Mrs. Nelson Rathburn, troop-leader. To make the jump from Brownie to Girl Scout, a girl must pass certain home-making and out-of-door tests, learn Girl Scouting lore, and be at least in the fourth grade of school.
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