Girl Scout Cookie Billboard on Packard Road, February 1961

Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 28, 1961
SCOUTS' SIGN: Charlene Deasey, an Intermediate Girl Scout, Troop No. 140, watches William Woodstock of Ypsilanti put up the final strip on a Packard Rd. billboard sign announcing the annual Girl Scout cookie sale to be held through Saturday, March 11. Proceeds will be used to support a camping program for Huron Valley Girl Scouts.
Ann Arbor News, February 28, 1961
SCOUTS' SIGN: Charlene Deasey, an Intermediate Girl Scout, Troop No. 140, watches William Woodstock of Ypsilanti put up the final strip on a Packard Rd. billboard sign announcing the annual Girl Scout cookie sale to be held through Saturday, March 11. Proceeds will be used to support a camping program for Huron Valley Girl Scouts.
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