League Of Women Voters Members With Finance Campaign Letters Ready To Be Mailed, September 1960
Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 19, 1960
IT'S A LOAD: After weeks of stuffing and stamping envelopes, the thousand letters from the League of Women Voters, are finally on their way to the post office for the beginning of the League's annual finance campaign. Mrs. William Morse (left) and Mrs. Warren Smith will mail the envelopes, take a deep sigh of relief and plunge into another project.
Ann Arbor News, September 19, 1960
IT'S A LOAD: After weeks of stuffing and stamping envelopes, the thousand letters from the League of Women Voters, are finally on their way to the post office for the beginning of the League's annual finance campaign. Mrs. William Morse (left) and Mrs. Warren Smith will mail the envelopes, take a deep sigh of relief and plunge into another project.
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