Mayor Robert Harris & LWV President Ann Joiner With Proclamation Of League Of Women Voters Week, October 1969

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 5, 1969
To officially note League of Women Voters Week which will begin Monday, Mayor Robert J. Harris reads the proclamation of the event to Mrs. Charles W. Joiner, president of the League. The national organization is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Ann Arbor's chapter, founded in 1920, is on the brink of observing its golden anniversary.
Ann Arbor News, October 5, 1969
To officially note League of Women Voters Week which will begin Monday, Mayor Robert J. Harris reads the proclamation of the event to Mrs. Charles W. Joiner, president of the League. The national organization is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Ann Arbor's chapter, founded in 1920, is on the brink of observing its golden anniversary.
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