Lawrence Webber & Joe Pagan Check On The Donations To Ann Arbor Lions Club At The Ann Arbor Recreation Bowling Alley, May 1958
Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 2, 1958
LIONS PREPARE FOR FUND DRIVE: Ann Arbor Lions will conduct their annual limited mail solicitation for funds as a feature of White Cane Week, May 4 to 10, but small change collected in their canisters about the city also helps in the club's program of aid to the blind and others with sight handicaps. Here, Lion Lawrence F. Webber (left) and Joe Pagan, manager of the Ann Arbor Recreation bowling alleys, check contents of a Lions' canister filled by local bowlers.
Ann Arbor News, May 2, 1958
LIONS PREPARE FOR FUND DRIVE: Ann Arbor Lions will conduct their annual limited mail solicitation for funds as a feature of White Cane Week, May 4 to 10, but small change collected in their canisters about the city also helps in the club's program of aid to the blind and others with sight handicaps. Here, Lion Lawrence F. Webber (left) and Joe Pagan, manager of the Ann Arbor Recreation bowling alleys, check contents of a Lions' canister filled by local bowlers.
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