Junior Temple of Grand Rapids Marching In 26th Annual State Elks Convention Parade, June 25, 1962

Published In
Ann Arbor News, June 25, 1962
The 26th annual state Elks convention came to a close here yesterday with a parade. Among the bands and marching units to participate were the "French Dukes", (top) made up of high school students from Ann Arbor, and the Junior Temple of Grand Rapids. The convention was attended by about 5,000 delegates and their families.
Ann Arbor News, June 25, 1962
The 26th annual state Elks convention came to a close here yesterday with a parade. Among the bands and marching units to participate were the "French Dukes", (top) made up of high school students from Ann Arbor, and the Junior Temple of Grand Rapids. The convention was attended by about 5,000 delegates and their families.
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