Young Imaginations Spurred in Ann Arbor Public Library Storytelling Sessions, November 1963
Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 8, 1963
Enrapt In Stories: Young imaginations are spurred in regular storytelling sessions at the Ann Arbor Public Library. Future bibliophiles -- at least in the hopes of librarians -- shown here, after one of their story hours yesterday, (clockwise from the left) are David Campbell, 9; Paul Wahr, 4; Stephen Jones, 5; Lynn Hook, 4; Mary Ann Hook, 3; Lisa Tasker 3; John Driggs, 4; Christopher Driggs, 10 months, and Cathy Tasker, 2.
Ann Arbor News, November 8, 1963
Enrapt In Stories: Young imaginations are spurred in regular storytelling sessions at the Ann Arbor Public Library. Future bibliophiles -- at least in the hopes of librarians -- shown here, after one of their story hours yesterday, (clockwise from the left) are David Campbell, 9; Paul Wahr, 4; Stephen Jones, 5; Lynn Hook, 4; Mary Ann Hook, 3; Lisa Tasker 3; John Driggs, 4; Christopher Driggs, 10 months, and Cathy Tasker, 2.
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