Friends of the Ann Arbor Public Library Prepare for Book Fair, May 1964
Ann Arbor News, May 4, 1964
Unboxing Books: Members of the Friends of the Public Library classify and mark books for their annual Book Fair sale to be held Saturday at the Public Library. Some of the thousands of books collected for the sale are in the boxes in the background. Working on the classifying chores are (from left) Mrs. Alexander Krezel, Mrs. Crucy Bell, Mrs. May Waterman, Mis Bess Parsons, Miss Dorothy Lyons, Mrs. Bernice Dahlstrom, Mrs. Charlie Webb, Herbert Dahlstrom, Mrs. Phillip Elving and Miss Elizabeth Slack. Sale hours will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friends of the Ann Arbor Public Library
Ann Arbor Public Library
Friends of the Library
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Mrs. Phillip Elving
Mrs. Crucy Bell
Mrs. Charlie Webb
Mrs. Alexander Krezel
May Waterman
Herbert Dahlstrom
E. Elizabeth Slack
Dorothy Lyons
Bess Parsons
Bernice Dahlstrom
Eck Stanger
343 S Fifth Ave