Huron River Canoe Trip For Kids Sponsored By The Black Economic Development League, July 1971

Published In
Ann Arbor News, July 3, 1971
Eleven youths aged 8 to 13, canoed down the Huron River from Clear Lake Camp near Chelsea to the rapids at Delhi Park Friday. Charles Thomas, president of the Black Economic Development League (BEDL), says the youngsters were from low income families in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Superior Township. BEDL sponsored the outing.
Ann Arbor News, July 3, 1971
Eleven youths aged 8 to 13, canoed down the Huron River from Clear Lake Camp near Chelsea to the rapids at Delhi Park Friday. Charles Thomas, president of the Black Economic Development League (BEDL), says the youngsters were from low income families in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Superior Township. BEDL sponsored the outing.
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